The other voice through which we hear the events of this fateful day is Maggie, who is soon to be Gwyn's daughter-in-law as she is engaged to Nate. While Gwyn is at an ending, thirty-year old Maggie is only beginning her life with Nate...which had seemed very simple and uncomplicated. Until they make the four-hour journey from their home in Brooklyn and somehow get swept up in some of the family issues playing out, causing Maggie to question some of the things that she had felt were solid in her relationship with Nate.
The author uses the two voices well and alternates the use of each every chapter. Additionally, her lyrical descriptions of Montauk make this beautiful place a character in of itself as it functions as much more than just a backdrop or setting.
This was one I read in two days and was disappointed to have finished it since it was such a good read. I'm happy to report that Ms. Dave is at work on her third novel - set in Big Sur, California - and has a first novel "London is the Best City in America" that you can be sure I will be reading soon!
For all you book-to-movie fans: Jennifer Aniston's new film production company, Echo Films (which she owns with Kristin Hahn, has already purchased the movie rights for "The Divorce Party". In my opinion, Patricia Clarkson would make a fantastic choice for Gwyn!