Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Quick, fun read: "The Divorce Party" - Laura Dave

This story is one that unfolds over the course of one day and is told to us from two female character's perspectives: Gwyn Huntington is the said host of the divorce party as she and her husband, Thomas, are divorcing after thirty-five years. They are a wealthy couple who lives in Montauk and have two adult children, Nate and Georgia. Through Gwyn's voice, we hear what she is going through as she plans a fete that is both celebrating the success and demise of her long whose ending is not of her choosing. As one reads Gwyn's narrative, you're intrigued as you get the feeling that something else may be brewing...

The other voice through which we hear the events of this fateful day is Maggie, who is soon to be Gwyn's daughter-in-law as she is engaged to Nate. While Gwyn is at an ending, thirty-year old Maggie is only beginning her life with Nate...which had seemed very simple and uncomplicated. Until they make the four-hour journey from their home in Brooklyn and somehow get swept up in some of the family issues playing out, causing Maggie to question some of the things that she had felt were solid in her relationship with Nate.

The author uses the two voices well and alternates the use of each every chapter. Additionally, her lyrical descriptions of Montauk make this beautiful place a character in of itself as it functions as much more than just a backdrop or setting.

This was one I read in two days and was disappointed to have finished it since it was such a good read. I'm happy to report that Ms. Dave is at work on her third novel - set in Big Sur, California - and has a first novel "London is the Best City in America" that you can be sure I will be reading soon!

For all you book-to-movie fans: Jennifer Aniston's new film production company, Echo Films (which she owns with Kristin Hahn, has already purchased the movie rights for "The Divorce Party". In my opinion, Patricia Clarkson would make a fantastic choice for Gwyn!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Robert Downey, Jr.

Robert Downey, Jr. is one of the best actors of his generation. And yet, he's almost blown it on numerous occasions--he has been given more second chances than most people get - even by Hollywood standards. This, of course, must be attributed to his immense talent...who hasn't wanted to see him make a comeback when his chips, in the past, have been down? And, comeback kid he's been over the past few years with brilliant performances in blockbuster successes like "Iron Man" and "Tropic Thunder".

Here's hoping we continue to see more great work from him for many, many years - he's such an interesting actor that his performance alone can make a mediocre film watchable.

Take a look here at his highs and lows over the years.

Good Day to "The Merry Gentleman"

Ah, I shipped this one back to Netflix, sight unseen, having never even taken the disc out of its sleeve after having it for several weeks. I had wanted to see it but I just hadn't been in the mood lately for what looked like it would be a slowmoving drama with content that might even be a little depressing. Oh, well.

On its way will be one for Sean - maybe "District 9" or "Inglorious Basterds". If it's the latter, I'll certainly tune in and will report back if it's one you should check out.

The Movies: A Decade in Review

Hello readers,

Sorry posts have been few and far between this month! Like everyone else, it's been a busy month with the holidays swiftly approaching. You should begin to see more again next week.

In the meantime, here's a great slide show review (with commentary) of this decade at the movies. There will be some you'll shake your head at - how could THAT be included?! - and others you'll find list-worthy. Still others that you may want to add to your list of ones to add to your Netflix queue, rent at your local Blockbuster or even borrow from your local library (***If you haven't been to your local library lately, do yourself a favor and GO!! Most branches now have terrific AV collections, many branches get 'new release' films the same day they go to Blockbuster. And, it's free!) particularly with the kind of winter we may have in store--good moviewatching and reading weather :)

So, catch up on the decade that was known as the 'aught's' and take a look back at some of the best films, directors and other trends that happened onscreen in the 00's (can you believe the decade is almost over?!?) and click here

Any favorites jump out at you? Or, any listworthy films/actors/directors that didn't make the cut?

For me, one film that the reviewer trashed is "A Perfect Storm" with George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg - whereas I absolutely loved it!! Popcorn movie with great cast, good story and a lot of heart - what could be better??

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Opening this Friday: "Up in the Air"

I haven't written that much lately about current offerings at the movies and that's been for a reason - there hasn't been too much to get excited about, which is unusual for the fall when studios typically roll out their best in hopes of snagging a contender for Oscar season.

That looks like it will change this weekend with the opening of "Up in the Air" starring George Clooney and Vera Farmiga which is directed by Jason Reitman, who directed both "Juno" (absolutely loved!!) and "Thank You For Not Smoking" (really liked). Not to mention what sounds like an amazing soundtrack - it's playing in the background right now on my Mac. Click here to check it out.

If you like your romance & comedy just a little bit offbeat, this film may be for you. Viewing the movie's website while having the soundtrack on in the background, I couldn't help but be reminded of "Garden State". Except in this case, it's for the slightly older set not just the Gen Y hipsters.

I'm hoping I'll be able to see it sometime in the next week, will report back with what I hope will be a glowing review!