Tuesday, April 21, 2009

New Angelina flick filming in Albany...

Speaking of intrigue...parts of Albany will be closed to traffic for the filming of a new spy flick, "Salt" starring Jolie, Liev Schreiber and Chiwetel Ejiofor (British actor, you'd know him from movies like "Children of Men", "American Gangster", "Talk To Me", etc.). See below link for the scoop:


Thanks to my hubby for sending on the link!

Book pick

I probably won't have time to write any lengthy posts over the next few days. What you may see, instead, is quick nuggets as they hit me.

Here's one - just read a blurb on a book I'd like to read, thought I'd share it with you: David Cristofano's "The Girl She Used to Be". I don't know that I've read anything by the author before but the premise sounds intriguing: a girl, Melody, who was forced to enter witness protection at a young age when she and her family witnessed a violent act. As a result, their lives are altered--Melody & her family are continually moving to new towns & taking on new names. Flash forward 20 years to her encounter with a man who refers to her as Melody, telling her she's just a pawn in the government's war against the Mafioso family to which he belongs. Ooh! This one may have just jumped to the top of the list : )

What are you all reading right now? Please use comments to post about any good or great reads! Or, any ones to steer clear of...

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Happy Saturday! What a beautiful day here in NY, definitely not movie-watching weather : )

Last night, following a great birthday dinner with my hubby, Sean, I popped in one of my waiting Netflix. Since Sean was home, it was safe for me to watch a 'scary' movie - even if it he wasn't going to be watching with me. As some of you may know - and I've mentioned before - I am a jump-out-of-your-seat kind of viewer for any sort of thriller or horror movie. And, with my overactive imagination...I've now learned - at the ripe old age of 35 - to not watch such content if no one is home as the aftermath is just not worth it...every little creak in a floorboard has me on edge, lol.


I watched a British thriller, "The Broken". You may not have heard of it. And, not quite sure if I'd recommend it. Then again, I wouldn't NOT recommend it either - if that makes any sense. It was one of those films with a lot of set-up (not something I necessarily mind) however the a-ha didn't really come until the last 20 minutes. Even then, I was left with some questions. The story: a woman, Gina, senses that another woman who looks eerily like her is shadowing her moves and Gina becomes fixated on this mirror image who seems to be everywhere. This obsessive pursuit derails her daily life.

The acting was good - Richard Jenkins (most recently received acclaim from the Academy with his Best Oscar nom for "The Visitor" - which was excellent!) was great, as always, and Lena Headley was very good as the lead. No real qualms with those actors or the rest of the cast....maybe it was just the style...maybe the ending...I'm not 100% sure. I did read a post on Netflix where the person posting had similar reservations and, on a second viewing, found the film to be brilliant. (This reviewer in particular mentions an Edgar Allan Poe quote that opens the movie that, in retrospect, provides a framework for the story that follows) I'd like to say I'd give it a second shot, but...with the queue (okay, Sean - queues!!) overflowing...not sure if that will be anytime soon.

I'll leave you with this - I was sufficiently scared/on edge. Also really liked the use of London as a character, some great cinematography of the city.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

What I'm Watching...

Returning after a 1.5 year hiatus...I'm back!!

Then again, perhaps no one knew I was gone since my readership was zero. Here's hoping that changes this go-around :)

Let's start with what I'm watching...just recently started viewing Season 1 of "In Treatment" through Netflix. I am really enjoying it so far. Gabriel Byrne stars as the therapist and each episode is structured as a session; during the course of the season, the progress of therapy is charted for several patients, one couple in joint couples' therapy, and Byrne's character, Paul, himself--he meets once a week with former colleague, Gina, played by Dianne Wiest.

Why I like it: for starters, I'm almost always a fan of shows/movies that have several storylines running concurrently provided it's done in a cohesive fashion, which this is. I also like the 'talky' quality to it - a true shock for anyone who knows me, lol - and actually being able to see things transpiring and unfolding. Finally, the cast is great - patients include talented actors like Hope Davis, John Mahoney, and Blair Underwood (Underwood appears in Season 1 while Davis & Mahoney are featured in Season 2).

Check it out for yourself!

Coming soon: Spending an afternoon at the bookstore; or, books I'm excited to read.