Thursday, April 16, 2009

What I'm Watching...

Returning after a 1.5 year hiatus...I'm back!!

Then again, perhaps no one knew I was gone since my readership was zero. Here's hoping that changes this go-around :)

Let's start with what I'm watching...just recently started viewing Season 1 of "In Treatment" through Netflix. I am really enjoying it so far. Gabriel Byrne stars as the therapist and each episode is structured as a session; during the course of the season, the progress of therapy is charted for several patients, one couple in joint couples' therapy, and Byrne's character, Paul, himself--he meets once a week with former colleague, Gina, played by Dianne Wiest.

Why I like it: for starters, I'm almost always a fan of shows/movies that have several storylines running concurrently provided it's done in a cohesive fashion, which this is. I also like the 'talky' quality to it - a true shock for anyone who knows me, lol - and actually being able to see things transpiring and unfolding. Finally, the cast is great - patients include talented actors like Hope Davis, John Mahoney, and Blair Underwood (Underwood appears in Season 1 while Davis & Mahoney are featured in Season 2).

Check it out for yourself!

Coming soon: Spending an afternoon at the bookstore; or, books I'm excited to read.



Sean Haubert said...

I happen to know you are no longer a Porter. You're a big phony. Hey everyone, Laura's a big fat phony!

Ali Shoenfelt said...

hey "SH" (you can't fool me, i know who you are)- leave that girl alone- once a Porter, always a Porter!!

Laura said...

Both your posts made me laugh!

Sean - to my credit, I did start this while I was still officially a Porter. Plus - the alliterative quality...had to stay with this : )

Ali - exactly right, I may be a Haubert now but the Porter is always would be like taking the AD out of Ali Sho ;)