Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Say 'I Do' to "The Proposal"!

Saw "The Proposal" with friends earlier this week - loved it!! Starring Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds as Margaret Tate and Andrew Paxton, the all-star cast also features Mary Steenburgen, Craig T. Nelson, Betty White and Oscar Nunex ("The Office"). Andrew works for Margaret as her Executive Assistant, a thankless job as Margaret is a ruthless editor gunning for the editor-in-chief position, who will stop at nothing. Andrew has tolerated her for three long years, biding his time until he can be promoted into an editor job. The hitch? Margaret is Canadian has her visa has expired...and management at her publishing house has told her deportation is imminent. The solution? When Andrew interrupts this meeting, Margaret announces their engagement to their surprise and shock...and Andrew's. And then the games begin!

This is a romantic comedy that really delivers on both the laughs and the sweetness. While it can be predictable, you won't mind because you'll be laughing too hard. Or, watching Margaret's icy resolve thaw & melt as she becomes taken in by Andrew and his family's warm Alaskan ways.

Bullock & Reynolds are both very funny as they are both actors who have mastered physical comedy. However, the humor isn't just reserved for the leads - any scenes featuring Betty White and/or Oscar Nunez will have you in stitches.

It should be said - I really like rom-com's. However, knowing the cost of a movie ticket (a whopping $12.50 here in NYC), I try to be particular with what I choose to see at the theater. This was worth every penny and one I already know that I'll add to my DVD collection.


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