Wednesday, November 18, 2009

"The Answer Man" doesn't have all the answers. Nor does the movie.

I'm an unabashed rom-com fan. There - it's out there :)

For me, it's not that I think life is perfect or that I have unrealistic romantic expectations - it's simply that I like the stories in all their cheesy glory. It's a foregone conclusion that you will almost always have a happy ending...and that this 'sail into the sunset' usually can be called only a few minutes into the movie...sometimes even just from watching the trailer! They are known for being predictable, sometimes to a fault. People generally don't watch these for a sense of mystery or to determine 'whodunnit' (there are plenty of movies for that and I'll be sure to recommend any good ones since I love a good thriller or an involved and intricate mystery) - women tune in to romantic comedies because it's like comfort food on film--you can be reasonably assured you'll like it and it's an escape from the demands of real life, even if only for ninety minutes.

"The Answer Man", however, falls short....particularly in the first half-hour (which is where you want to hook your viewer not have their hand hovering above the 'Eject' button!): the tone is choppy and uneven and the movie struggles to find its groove. For those that hang in there - as I did - there are some sweet moments (one that comes to mind is between supporting actor Lou Taylor Pucci , a young man just out of rehab, and his on-screen alcoholic father) as well as some genuinely funny ones. Just not enough for me to strongly recommend this movie. As I've noted in an earlier post, Jeff Daniels is a fine actor and his talents aren't truly showcased in this vehicle. Lauren Graham's character - a single mom who has recently embarked upon a new career as a chiropractor - is a bit too saccharine and the chemistry between her & Daniels seems a stretch.

For those of you who enjoy knowing where the movie was shot, this was filmed in Philadelphia and the city itself makes for a great character in this otherwise mostly forgettable film.

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