Saturday, May 2, 2009


You ask? Well, the plural of Netflix, of course :) I figure it's gotta be like syllabus with the plural being syllabi as opposed to syllabuses (though this is accepted, even preferred by some). Same here - Netflixes just seems awkward to say.

Anyway...I'm excited that I have some new ones shipping today. En route are "Bride Wars", "Frost/Nixon" and "Marley & Me". I'm know Sean will have no interest whatsoever in the first flick although I'm actually not sure what my interest level will be--between the reviews I had read and what I had heard from friends...the word on this one is not great - hackneyed, a waste of talent (particularly with regard to Anne Hathaway, after her brilliant turn in "Rachel Getting Married", and Candice Bergen), and just shallow. Still, I did want to see it since I generally like Kate Hudson in comedies and having just gotten married in the fall thought it might be fun to see some of the wedding couture. As you see, not necessarily holding out high hopes for this one, but maybe it will surprise me.

In the event that "Bride Wars" is a bomb, I think the other two selections should hold their own. I've heard from several people that "Marley & Me" with Jennifer Aniston & Owen Wilson is funny & endearing. And, "Frost/Nixon" sounds like it will be a winner - it's directed by Ron Howard, whose efforts I generally like, and Frank Langella's performance as Nixon is purported to be brilliant.

I will keep you updated as to which, if any, of these Netflix are truly Netfly! ;)

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