Saturday, May 2, 2009

I enjoyed an afternoon with "Mr. Wonderful"

Here, anyway, I'm speaking of the movie and not Sean ;)

This was actually something I watched a few weeks ago...something that had languished on my TiVo queue for a while...for one of those days when I was in the mood for what looked to be a predictable rom-com. Well, that day came and I was not disappointed--it was a good movie with a great cast. One thing I liked - the movie wasn't trying too knew what you were in for and even had a pretty good idea how the movie would end. This is not always a bad thing particularly when the story is told by actors like Matt Dillon, Annabella Sciorra, Mary-Louise Parker and William Hurt with good turns from a pre-Law & Order Vincent D'Onofrio and James Gandolfini years before his career-defining Tony Soprano role--these two just look so young here! (Film was released in '93 but these two, and William Hurt, look like kids).

The premise in this film is that Gus (Matt Dillon, as a Con Ed electrician) wants to go in with his friends and buy and restore a rundown bowling alley but, in order to contribute his share, he needs to find his ex-wife, Lee (Annabella Sciorra), a new husband so he can stop paying alimony. So, with her eventual permission, he sets about finding her a "Mr. Wonderful". The one problem? There is still some chemistry, or electricity, between the former spouses....who knows what will happen? ;)

As I said...nothing remarkable big twist...just good storytelling with a great cast...not a surprise when you find out that this was directed by the late Anthony Minghella. An easy one to get into and all the actors I mentioned are just terrific, particularly Mary-Louise Parker as Gus's girlfriend. And, good use of NYC as a character. I also liked the music, too - struck me as the type of soundtrack that really had an 80's feel to it.

Perfect flick for a relaxing Saturday or Sunday afternoon.


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