Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Paul Rudd + Elizabeth Banks + Jane Lynch...

All this adds up to - couldn't save the movie "Role Models".

I wanted to like it. And I did laugh - several times. All of the actors mentioned above were funny but there just were not enough of the laughs in this movie to elevate it beyond mediocre, at best. In spite of said laughs.

Jane Lynch is one of those comedic actors you know...but just don't know her name (I didn't, even though seeing her onscreen I knew what sort of style to expect from her). A few of her credits include her zany humor in Christopher Guest films like "A Mighty Wind" and "For Your Consideration"; mainstream audiences may know her from her hysterical performance as the store manager in "40 Year Old Virgin". (Speaking of "40...", both Rudd and Banks were also in this movie.)

Rudd & Banks - two great comedic actors who are both on a roll right now; the role they each played in this film being the exception. (Sorry! I had to :) In an earlier post, I mentioned how great Rudd was in "I Love You, Man" - if you want FUNNY, see this!!!

I'm not going to go into further detail since I'm strongly urging you to pass on this one...the few laughs, while funny, didn't warrant the hour-and-a-half commitment.

SKIP (redundant, perhaps, based on the previous paragraph, lol)

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