Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Food for thought

Just a few nuggets to pass on...

"Flashforward": Thursdays at 8pm
"FF" is the best new show on TV. It debuted last week
and was riveting!! Following the show's premiere, I immediately had a
flashforward of my own...showing me regularly tuning in on Thursday nights ;)

"Her Fearful Symmetry" - Audrey Niffenegger
Author of "Time Traveler's Wife" has just released her follow-up book. If you liked "TTW", it may be worth checking out...

thirtysomething: Season 1 (DVD)
I'm almost done with the first season of thirtysomething and I am a
big fan! Great ensemble cast with richly drawn characters...and it's
interesting to see the group dynamics among them as well as some of
the individual relationships - some characters get closer, while some characters' relationships are fraying.
Overall, I've been careful to not read articles about the show as the
few I've read have had huge spoilers (understandably since the show is
22 years old). One thing I did see is some mild criticism from some
fortysomethings and fiftysomethings re-watching the show, who now find
some/all of the characters to be whiny.

You're right - but wasn't Rachel a little whiny (or, a lot - depending on the episode) on "Friends"? Diane of the late, great "Cheers" may have perfected whiny...you just may not have noticed it in the
constant barrage of her high-brow vocabulary, that was often over the head of all but Frasier. And Michael Scott's ("The Office") whiny extends far beyond any whiny Hope ("thirtysomething") could muster...in fact he may be more of a child than her daughter, Janey.

And maybe - just maybe - this part of the post could be construed as whining? ;)

You get the picture. Sure - there are actually times when some of the characters might be prone to whine...but I don't think it takes away from the show.

I think the only drawback with the show is the decision - a rights one, I'm sure - to release one season every six months. After twenty-two years, that's how you reward old fans?? Not to mention new ones--don't you run the risk of alienating new viewers who decide they can't/won't wait to pick up the adventures of Hope, Michael, Nancy, Elliot, Gary, Melissa and Ellen because they aren't able to do this until February 2010?? Baffling.

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