Friday, August 7, 2009

And you build that wall....

Hint - it's not from a movie but a line from a song featured on a movie soundtrack.

Need another line: "Ooh, so typical / Love leads to isolation-nnnnn" (extra n's to hold the note!)

The year was 1985 and the movie was the beyond great "White Nights". I was 11 and saw it in the theatre: a Saturday matinee with a friend at the Huntington Shore (years & years before the renovation). It was, perhaps, light years over my head. And yet, I loved it. Something about it really moved me and it wasn't necessarily the dancing (which was, of course, magnificent): while I really like, even love, quite a few dance movies...I'm not one of those people that simply loves a movie BECAUSE it's a dance movie.

This movie has always stuck with me and I'm instantly nostalgic for it anytime I hear the theme song (quoted above), "Separate Lives", a duet by Phil Collins and Marilyn Martin (don't know her? neither did I...have always remembered her great voice, never her name).

It FINALLY came to DVD - after all these years!! - last year. You're thinking that I got it right away...kept it for a while, watched and re-watched this old fave. Well, you would be wrong. Initially, "White Nights" did hold the top spot in my queue for a while before the release. But, I soon found myself bumping it lower and lower in favor of true, new releases. Part of it - I think - was that maybe, just maybe, I didn't want to revisit this cinematic favorite of mine that has lived in my memory for fear it would fall just some cheesy 80's movie, in spite of the foreign setting, tough topics and the dancing. The love, the loss and the dancing. The dancing!

Well - I'm finally going to do revisit this old love (no need to worry, Sean!) very soon--in scrolling through the ol' queue (okay - QUEUES!) this jumped out at me. It's time. So, one day next week (once NF receives the slightly mediocre title I'm currently watching), I'll be reunited with Gregory Hines, Mikhail Baryshnikov and, of course, THE song (ahhh). Below is a link to the moving duet, courtesy of YouTube:

And yes, I'm quite sure this will be one I watch on my own - I won't subject you to this, Sean. However, if any of you girls would like to join me...let me know!

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