The one film of interest - "Taking Woodstock", which tells the story of a young man whose family is about to lose their motel...until he stumbles upon pre-Woodstock revelers who agree to rent out the entire motel, paying in cash. With talented director Ang Lee ("Brokeback Mountain", "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", "The Ice Storm") at the helm, I sense that he will capture the cultural zeitgeist as the Woodstock phenomenon descends upon upstate NY. On the fence, however, if this is theater-worthy or a solid Netflix viewing sometime this winter.
On the other hand, I'm super-excited about one of the new DVD offerings this week: the first season of "thirtysomething" comes out tomorrow!! It's at the top of my queue and I'm sure I'm not alone here. Another good new release: "Adventureland", a coming of age story for a young college grad whose summer plans are thwarted by his family's recent financial woes--trip to Europe cancelled and he instead winds up working for the summer at the amusement park, Adventureland (based on real-life park of the same name in Farmingdale, LI...going there is a rite of passage for Long Islanders, from visits with your parents when you're young to going with your friends when you're in your teens. As a former Adventureland-er, my one piece of advice: Stay away from Gravitron - if it's still there: you WILL throw up!). Thank you for indulging my trip down memory lane! Anyway, it seems like a movie that most will be able to relate to--working a job post-college that seems beneath you and that becomes enjoyable based upon the friends you make and the experiences you have. Jesse Eisenberg ("The Squid and the Whale") stars as the lead with Kristen Stewart of "Twilight" fame as his love interest.
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